Photos: 2016 Mt Tammany 10 Ultra (198 photos)

"An almost 40 mile run traversing one of the toughest sections of trails in the Delaware Water Gap area. The Mt Tammany 10 is not for the faint of heart. Expect no PRs here! These will be the toughest and slowest miles most of you will ever cover. Seasoned Ultra-runners accustomed to this type of terrain may still fall, get bruised, strained sprained and cut. Stay alert, stay focused, stay the course, and you will have a great day. Probably one of the most satisfying ultras you will ever run. This course will have some great mountain views on the climb and majestic waterfalls along with the sound of rushing water on the decent". The words above are from the Athletic Equation website. This weekend 40 racers took part in the event (race is limited to 40 runners) and only 14 finished in 10 hours!

Congratulations to everyone who participated! This grassroots race has turned into a must do event in the local trail running world. From the MPF RNR Team, Julian Vicente & Harry Hamilton stuck together to finish in a little over 9 hours. Ben Nephew rolled in 20 or 30 min late to the start and managed to catch Jay Lemos who was on cruise control, they enjoyed each others company & finished in 2nd place together. James Jansen completed 8 laps. Elizabeth Azze completed the race in 9:57 for 2nd place Female. It was an epic start to the year!

Thanks to our sponsors Merrell, Ultimate Direction, Red Newt Racing, Run On Hudson Valley & GU Energy Labs!

Here are some highlights from the day. For all 198 photos, click here! Photos taken by MPF's Joe Azze


The 2016 Mt Tammany 10 "Better Late Then Never..." by Ben Nephew


Caumsett 50k--"Too Short?" by Jason Friedman